Kung Fu for kids

Kung Fu for kids

For the upcoming school year we are opening Kung Fu training for children in Brno.

In our school we focus on a wider range of skills with the children:

  • self-defence
  • strength
  • physical fitness
  • agility
  • body posture
  • strengthening of the centre of the body
  • self-confidence
  • self-awareness
  • concentration
  • relaxation
  • calming the mind

We comprehensively develop the physical body, temperament and energy, psyche and mental aspect of the child.

During our trainings, we'll go through together:

  • Warm-up
    Warming up, opening, relaxing and stretching the whole body and meridians
  • Gymnastics
    Basic skills of ground gymnastics and agility, strengthening exercises and stretching, gymnastics ball exercises
  • Drills
    Exercise of basic postures, hand and foot techniques. Combination techniques alone, in laps and in pairs, exercises with aids (short bars and foam rollers), self-defence and applications, leverage techniques, takedowns and tumbling
  • Basic forms practice
    Five step fist, five animal form, fan form, later sword form, Chen Taiji preparatory forms
  • Qi Gong
    Breathing exercises to strengthen and harmonize the nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic), strengthen energy reservoirs and meridians, purify internal organs, practice abdominal breathing and full breathing (abdominal bone clavicular breathing)
  • Concentration and relaxation
    A set of yoga exercises to improve cognitive function and thinking, to improve memory, cultivate the ability to concentrate the mind on a given object or process, relaxation techniques, post-isometric relaxation
  • Games
    mainly ball games to strengthen teamwork, agility, speed, but also for relaxation and enjoyment

We don't focus on competition and the desire for medals, but rather self development, empathy, creativity and playfulness and connection in the training group.

What do the kids say?

It's a great sport, I love it. It always clears my mind.

I love it. We do good exercises and I have a lot of new friends there. Pavel is very nice.

I finally found a sport that I really enjoy. I learned to somersault. And I can defend myself from my older brother.

I love working out, and being around with my friends. I like gymnastics and dodgeball the most.

I ❤ KungFu ☯

I love the movement and the inner peace.



  • September – June, Tuesdays 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm. We start on 10/9/2024.

What you will need

Comfortable clothes suitable for exercise, slippers for exercising in the gym, plenty of fluids, punctuality and good spirits.

Course fees (half-yearly/20 weeks)

  • 1× per week 2.600,- CZK

For payment you can use the QR code or pay directly to the account..
Account number: 107-6199600237/0100 (please enter your name + surname and the type of course selected in the "Message for recipient" field)

Join Us! You can come at any time during the school year. The initial training is free for newcomers to try out.

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chen.cz » School » Kung Fu for kids